Sunday, September 30, 2007

Response to "Is Education in Crisis?" by Tara, Bonnie, and Perry

What I found most surprising about this presentation was that the test does not evolve based on changes in curricula, teaching methods, or new findings about the way children learn or changing definitions of literacy. I wonder along with them, what is this test really measuring? Is it an accurate indicator of ability (but then again, is any standardized test)?

I also thought it was interesting that the NAEP test results did not show any gains until high school. I wonder what possible reasons for this could be?

Other data showed by the graphs was similar to what we found in our analysis of PSSA scores...Girls consistently scored better than boys on reading, and White students scored better than minority groups.

As for the technical aspect, I thought it was well done. I liked the background they selected, and I thought they made a good use of graphs to illustrate their points.

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